Goodbye Photoshop, Hello Sketch



The words feel so good. I've been only using the new big bad badass on the horizon, and it's my lovechild known as "Sketch" by Bohemian Coding.

This incredible program has streamlined my UI workflow so quickly and efficiently within the last year that I'm in the process of converting an entire second studio (this time a major creative agency in NYC) to it. It's just that good. And not only for the entire visual department, but for UX and dev as well.

Some reason as to why Sketch just trumps Photoshop:

  1. Everything is vector
  2. I change a font or color, and everything everywhere changes
  3. Exporting is a freaking piece of cake
  4. There are GRIDS built in
  5. If I want rounded corners, voila
  6. IT'S ONLY $99
  7. I finish everything so fast it scares me
  8. Everything is gridded, and doesn't mess up (which makes my ocd designer tendencies sing)
  9. Google + Apple use it
  10. My good Lord just get it already (it's free for a month)

Seriously guys, I can't endorse this enough. Exporting is a breeze, especially for prototyping. With all the plugins I've got going, I finish work literally in half the time I used to with Photoshop.

I'll keep this short, because I don't want to keep you from trying it yourself (and no I'm not paid to endorse this):

What are your thoughts on Sketch, Photoshop or your workflow in general? Please let me know in the comments.